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Can we house our puppy in the basement?

19 17:31:49

Dear Labman,
Thanks so much for your great advice. We are about to buy a 8 week old long-haired female puppy and are learning all about how best to care for them. Your advice is unbeatable! Would a cellar be suitable for housing the puppy when she comes to live with us? The cellar is warm, dry and has natural light, but with no easy access to the outside. We were going to buy a large crate and get the puppy used to sleeping there. The alternative would be for the puppy to sleep in the kitchen, but I'm not sure how hygenic that would be? Your advice would be most welcome!

Dogs are highly social animals.  One might be physically fine in a basement, but unless you spend large amounts of time there, the dog should be upstairs with the rest of the family when you are home and awake.  At night and when nobody is home, it would be less important.  We have a 2 story house, and our puppies are left downstairs while we sleep upstairs.  If you did have it sleep in the basement, at first you may need to carry it outside every time it wakes up.  They often can't walk very far without eliminating.  

There are inevitably times when your attention must be focused on other than the puppy and can't give it the attention a young puppy requires.  At such time, the puppy should be crated, but in the same area as you are.  It should not be banished to the basement.  

I really don't think having the dog sleep in the kitchen in a crate will compromise your families health and sanitation.  Keeping the dog well brushed will reduce the hair and dander making it onto miscellaneous surfaces in the house.  Feeding a good diet, best done by relying on a commercial chow and little else, and seldom if ever bathing will keep the dogs skin and coat in good shape also reducing dander and hair.