Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > shedding!


19 17:53:07

Is there anything, besides grooming, that will limit shedding? I'm not even dreaming of stopping it.
I've heard of raw eggs, but I've also heard about liver trouble.
Nikki is a 4 year old female BEAUTY!
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Arnold Leichter

Well Arnold
Go to my site, click on springtime and read about Fresh Factors. WWW.SCHREKNHAUS.COM.
It is on front page and litters that I urge all dog people to use their products and I get nothing for this as I am not a dealer I do not have time.
Raw eggs is only protein, it does not stop shedding.  Too much protein is hard on the liver yes.
Daily brushing is good, but a good supplement is better, please go read and buy their products for fleas, less shedding, etc.

Kind Regards