Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Location


19 17:47:37



Followup To

Question -
Hi, I have a question and I hope you can help me.  I have a 3 year old, full blooded, german shepherd.  She is a great dog but she will not stop pooping in the yard.  I want to be able to walk out the front door and smell fresh air not fresh dog poop.  Can you help me?

Answer -
Hi Becky,  Where do you want her to go?  If it is a location in the yard, then everytime after you feed her you need to take her over to where you want her to go and walk her around there until she actually goes.  Then really praise her.  If you can't get her to go, then get a toy and throw it around and make her run.  This will get things moving and hopefully get her to go.  Hope this helps,


Hi Dawn,
Its me again, I would like her to poot in the horse's pasture because she is out there alot and it is not in the way.  But we dont feed her at any specific time.  I have a pot I fill up whenever it gets low.  We do that because if we feed her at one time a day then she eats it all at one time and then gets fat, but when whe let her eat whenever she wants she stays a good size, so with that I cant really walk her until she poops.  Do you have another suggestion?  I hope you can help, thank you lots.

Hi Becky, the only way you can control what comes out the back end is to control what goes in the front end, so you have to control her feeding to be able to control where she will go to the bathroom.  It is a matter of training her.  Training requires controlling things to teach her.  Unfortunately, there really is no other way especially if you live in a large area which it sounds like since you want her to go in the pasture.
