Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > constipated


19 17:47:35

Hi. My german shephard Tanya who is 12 yrs old hasn't moved her bowel in 5 days and she keeps trying every few min. but just can relieve herself. She isn't eating either only drinking very little water. My vet is so expensive and won't see her until i have the money. Could you please help me out? I am so worried about her..
Thank you so much

Hi Joanne,  It sounds like she is either impacted or has something blocking her colon.  She really needs to see a vet so they can figure out what is blocking her.  You can try to get her to eat something like canned food.  That might entice her to eat and will loosen her stools if she is just impacted.  If she refuses canned food then you really need to get her into a vet as there is nothing you can do.  Wish I could be of more help, but there is nothing more you can do without a vet intervening.
