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Digging holes

19 17:48:56

I have 2 puppy german sheperds (brother & sister) They love digging holes in the yard.I fill the holes and in a couple of days the hole is bigger than before LOL.Some guy told me that he stopped his dogs digging by filling the holes with water and sticking there head in it.I CAN'T do this.These are my lil babies and that seems drastic and cruel.Plese help.Thank god I don't live on a golf course.
Thanks Freddy

I would much rather live with holes in my yard that stick the dogs head in the water.  Not even sure that would work.  Don't have anything else I am sure would either.  I have read that filling the holes with the dogs feces or burying balloons works.  You could try it.  I have also heard of dumping sand in one corner and burying biscuits in it works.  

In the mean time, the limited area of my yard the dogs have access to, has several large holes with big rocks in them.  They just dig another hole elsewhere.  

Leave dogs outside in the heat all day, and they may dig holes to cool off in.  My dogs are in crates in the air conditioned house when I am away.