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Megan T.

19 17:50:24

I would like to know the best age of a puppy as to when to place in Obedience classes.
I just picked up my Shepherd puppy and I am told they are already highly intelligent, so I am wondering if I read the Monks of New Skete that I can manage this myself?

Hi, yes shepherds are extremely intelligent, but the biggest problem people have when trying to train from a book is that the book was written with one trainer's aspect on training, on whatever dog they are training at the time.  Sionce every dog is different, just like every kid, somethings work on some dogs, but not on other dogs.  I personally do not recommend group classes as I have seen a high rate of failure in those classes due to several reasons.  One is you get the really smart dogs who figure out that when they get in the car and drive to the class, they have to be obedient, but when they get home they don't have to be.  Then you get the other scenario where the dog gets so distracted by the other dogs he never learns anything because he never really pays attention.  I prefer individual classes at the dog's home, where the dog is learning in their own natural environment, around distractions that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives, like cars, kids, cats dogs etc.  All of our training is stricly done at the dog's home.  We have seen much more success that way.  

As far as age, I have started puppies as young as 10 weeks old.  Our criteria is that they understand their name, and "no" as a negative term (in other words, you scold them and they react as being punished).  

Hope this helps, and if you need more help with your puppy, just let me know.

Good Luck.
