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german shepard weight

19 17:39:22

My 7 month old gsd bitch seems small to me she weighs 21kg and seems quite short in the leg but long in the back.  She has a poor appetite and eats very little the vet seems  unconcerned as she is healthy in every other way. Is she underweight and  if so is there anything i could feed her to build her up.  At the moment she measures about 18-19 inches to the top of her shoulder.  At what age will she be her full size. I have never owend a german shepard before so have nothing to compare her to.  Thank you, Theresa Shanahan.

It is quite common for a young Shepherd to refuse to eat enough to be more than quite thin.  As long as most of her calories are coming from a decent dry kibble, I wouldn't worry.  The only thing I would suggest is switching to an adult chow if you are still feeding a puppy chow.  That slows growth allowing more time to develop sturdy joints.  You can evaluate her using this link,  Likely she will come out on the thin side.  That is normal for a young shepherd.  

She should already be nearing her adult size.  She will continue to grow to at least a year, but hardly enough to tell.  I once had a thin little Shepherd.  The dog guide school she belonged to kept her as breeding stock.