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GSD/Lab mix ears

19 17:21:29

I have a gsd/black lad mix that looks a lot like a Black GSD and I think she is about two and a half months.  I have had her for about three weeks and I was told she was 10 weeks old when I got her. My question is about about her ears, she had a more GSD head and I would love for her ears to stand up.  I am partial to that and she is to be a service dog for my friends Autistic child so I want her to look more GSD like if possible.  In my unprofessional opinion she acts and looks more GSD and that is the reason for my questioning.  I do know that it could take a while longer for them to stand if they are, but I want to know if it is normal for them to be floppy and hang down folded in front and if I could get them fixed some how without affecting her.  If it will bother her or hurt her please let me know and I will just tell her will be mommy "NO" but if it is harmless and will not affect her personality or cause shock than where do I go or what do I do to fix the ears?

I have seen a number of known Lab/GSD crosses.  I don't think any of them have had erect ears.  Their ears don't hang down right for a Lab either, kind of sticking out to the side a little.  As for getting them fixed, I don't know of anybody having that done.  They could talk to a vet about it.  The age at which Shepherds' ears varies, some by 7 weeks, and some not until a year or more.  

The GSD was long a favorite as a dog guide, but is now largely replaced with Labs.  Part of the change is due to the difficulty of finding good GSD's.  It is a shame a great breed has suffered from the terrible breeding.  Labs are very common as assistance dogs too.  I am not sure the public realizes most service dogs are Labs now.  I know many of the dogs trained for autistic children are Goldens.  A dog can make a big difference to autistic children.  I see no reason a Lab/Gsd shouldn't do fine.  I think the closer bond many Shepherds form would be good.  Many of the assistance dog schools that train dogs for autistic children don't use the GSD at all.  I wish you well with this project although I can't encourage you about the ears standing up.