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German Sheperds ears drooping

19 17:47:55

My German Sheperds ears stood erect at 2 months old but now at 40 weeks she seems to have like a lazy ear but not all the time.  They still perk up but looks like she did when her ears first started to stand up?  Is this something that I need to be concerned about or is this just a stage she is going through?

Hi Anthony,  I would definitely put her on a calcium supplement right now.  A GSD's ears should be standing by 8 months old.  If they aren't up on their own by 6 months, then you normally put them on a calcium supplement to help get the ears to stand.  It may be too late, but I would put her on a calcium supplement until she is a year old and see if the ear will stand on its own.  You can also tape the ear to support it while on the calcium to also help build the cartlidge up.  Hope this helps,
