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Great pyrenees/German Shepherd mix

19 17:37:07

I was just given a great Pyrenees/German shepherd mix, she's 5 weeks old yesterday. I don't know much about this breed, so I was wondering is this a good dog for children (I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old)?

Any dog can be a good dog for children when raised and trained right. Get your dog into puppy socialization when she is old enough and into obedience training. Five weeks old is WAY too young to have been taken from mommy and is going to cause problems in and of itself. Go to alpha boot camp on the web to learn how to establish and hold your pack order and how to raise your pup. DO NOT allow your children to rough house with this puppy or any OTHER puppy. Do not allow the pup to mouth your children or anyone else. respond with a high pitched yelp and a stern no, turning your back on baby should she do so. This should be a loyal., intelligent loving dog but should be supervised as ANY dog should be with children at the ages you mentioned. No sleeping on furniture or in beds. No eating from the children's hands.
You should have a loving pet. Exercise is also a key for any dog and as soon as she is old enough walk her. Give her LOTS of toys to chew on and play with.
Good luck and happy puppy times!