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to reproduce

19 17:51:33

I have a female with papers given to me of over a year, when can I breed her or should I and how do I find a good stud for her.
thank you


The major cause of canine infertility is the fact that many bitches have reproductive cycles which are far from normal, either in terms of the signs they show or because she ovulates at a time far from the day which the owner is anticipating. A great deal of help can be given to identify the time of ovulation using a combination of cytology and blood tests. This allows us to monitor bitches who deviate markedly from the expected normal pattern. We see bitches who ovulate as early as day 4 and those who take more than three weeks from the start of bleeding. Some bitches show abnormal bleeding patterns and others don't stand when the books say they should. All these bitches can be helped to get pregnant. There is a variety of other causes of infertility, many of which we can help overcome. Pregnancy diagnosis at about 4 weeks is recommended and we can carry this out at relatively short notice. Infertility examination of infertile males is available, as are techniques to chill semen for exportation or for use in the future by the owner on their own bitches. A variety of hormone assays are available to investigate reproductive problems and we can help in treatment of problems including anoestrus, pseudopregnancy and pyometra. Advice is available to both veterinary surgeons and clients, if your own vet is happy for you to do this. Many such telephone consultations take place every week and we are pleased to give this service.

Warm Regards