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hip problems

19 17:37:41

I really want to get my own German Shepherd when I graduate and have a suitable place to live. I had one growing up and really loved her, even though before that I didn't think I was a dog person. But we had to get her put down at the age of 9 due to crippling hip dysplasia. It was heartbreaking, but the right thing to do because she was in pain and didn't understand why she couldn't walk. I couldn't bear to go through that again. Everybody claims their shepherds are 'hip certified' but what does that mean and how can I make sure this doesn't happen again? Thanks.

It means they have had them checked by a service such as OFA to determine whether or not they have hip disease and how good their hips are. While noone can guarantee that your next dog won't have a hip problem, at least getting a pup from a breeder who tests and is familiar with their dogs bloodlines lessens your chances. Feeding appropriately and getting enough exercise is also part of making sure your dogs bones and joints are as healthy as possible, I'm sorry you had such a rough experience, dogs like humans, do have problems, sometimes severe. Let me know when you get your new pup :)