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my dogs are killing chickens and ducks

19 17:27:35

Lucy is the oldest up until i got scrappy she had never killed any of my family chickens or ducks, scrappy is still a puppy he showed up in our door step and i decided to keep him. after a month or so of having him they started killing the chickens so i had to tie them up somehow they both got loose and killed a duck and started to eat it as they did with the chickens. is there anyway i can reverse the behavior or is it to late? i eighther  have to build them a gated spot in the yard or get rid of them i love my dogs and that the last thing i want to do.


You are going to have to kennel them when you are not there to supervise.   This is usually the only way to protect the livestock.  If they have had a taste for them....   they will keep doing it, but you can also start training them one at a time to leave them alone.  I am not sure how, because I have never had this problem.   Tying the dogs up is not a good solution.   Build a kennel at least 6 ft high.  
