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GSD Puppy

19 17:27:36

I have a 4 month old female gsd, she currently weighs 21lbs, she looks very thin and often scarfs her food up then vomits afterward, vet is concerned about her weight but his answer is to feed her 2 cups of dry food twice a day which causes her to vomit more.  I was wetting the food feeding her 3/4 cup 3 times a day any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you


In my experience, although I am not a vet, is that your puppy has a mega esophagus or the aorta may be wrapped around the esophagus.  If your vet couldn't figure this out yet, I would recommend trying another vet.   Ask them to do a barium xray of her esophagus and check for heart murmurs.   The vet will be able to explain the prognosis and what causes these conditions.   Also do your own research, there is lots out there that is written about this.   If you had a guarantee from the breeder I would suggest you contact them.   The breeder should have noticed that there was something wrong with the pup as soon as she started eating solid food and never should have sold this puppy, in my humble opinion.  Please get you puppy to a vet....  let me know the outcome...  good luck.
