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Alsation x husky

19 17:26:51

Milly is 12 weeks old and I have had her for 2 weeks,during this time she started wetting when she is pleased to see me and gets exciteable..Grateful for any help with this matter


This is a common problem with puppies.  Their bladder control is not that great and when they get excited, they will wet.   This is normal, but messy.   When you first greet her, be calm and get her outside as quickly as possible, to pee, and then you can play with her.   This will eliminate the mess and give her a chance to void her bladder before she gets all happy!   She will grow out of this.   My six month old puppy female just did it yesterday and of course she had just walked in from outside.   So be patient, there is nothing wrong with her and please don't reprimand her for it, as it is not under her control.   It is a sign of submission as well, so be patient, keep calm until she had peed and life will be good!

Hope this helps..
