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Shepherd pup

19 17:49:48

  I have a whole house full of Shepherds and I love them all dearly. I breed and train them to be bomb and drug sniffers. All of my dogs are wonderful but I have one pup from my last litter that has been giving me some problems that I've never experienced before. She just reached the 6 month mark and has been running away from home. We have a LONG driveway and we live way out in the woods so it's not a HUGE deal, but we are worried that she's going to find her way to the main road and be hit. We've tried the underground fences, the runs, the leads, but we just can't figure her out. We yell and yell her name with no luck. She shows back up at the door a few hours later. She has just gone into heat and we don't want her getting pregnant with some of our neighbors dogs. We usually keep the female dogs that are in heat inside unless they need to do their buisness. Then we take them out on a leash. But this one is a tough one. She's been at this for about a month now. I'm not sure what to do. If you can answer my question it would be greatly appreciated. My husband and I have tried everything and we're hoping you can help. Thanks alot!!
-Sunset Ranch and Kennels-

Have you tried the shock collars.?  I have 3 from and they work, I got the 150 yards. when she starts off lay the hardest one on her for a good 30 seconds till she yips.  Then call her and pity her for she will not know where the pain came from only that u saved her for it hurts, but works.
Keep her inside a kennel while in heat secured down safe for males will chew their way through.  I have all Magnum kennels now because of this.  I never have a problem with my West German Shepherds only had a couple in beginning of half American which I would never own again.  My dogs are highly loyal and I just bark at them they are at my side.
She must have an instinct to do the puppy thing of a trip a day usually males do this however at least here.?
Try the Shock Collar about $140 but a great investment for a quick cure.  Do not leave on more than six hours make sure it is very tight so the prongs touch through the hair to her neck to hit her hard.  It will stop her I promise.

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