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Poop eating behavior

19 17:53:44

Is there a reason my shepherd eats his poop and that of my little dog?  I've heard this question asked through the years but cannot remember a concise answer.  

Hi Dick
It can be in the genes to do this or just bordom or just being a puppy and the are conavioirs to eat anything.  I suggest picking it up immediately and disposing and handing a toy and say a firm no Eat.
U can get Dis Taste from to put in their food to help stop a bad habit like we bite out nails, etc.
Make sure your dog is getting enough daily runs or exercise and not bored, give plenty of toys and attention of love and bonding.   Pet and praise when it does well, scold when it does wrong.  Use a firm louder voice and hand signal to follow a voice command of NO..NO MOrE. also, i worm monthly so they do not reinfest each other or their selves.  I use Zimectrin Horse wormer and do not need heart guard for this gets all the worms, one mi monthly is all it takes.

Dogs do stupid things when they get angry also.  I have a bitch if left in kennel too long she nibbles at her fecal matter to annoy me.  I let my six dogs out daily to run on acreage with me and if its not the right time for dogs know time, she starts nibbling fecal matter, so I stopped her and the digging of hole by -placing poop in the holes and cover with dirt, this stopped that.   I also use bleach to clean my kennels daily, this stopped her as the bleach was on cement floor and she did not like the taste so she waits until I am ready to turn them loose to run all day long.

Dogs are creatures of habit, they mimick each other so if another is doing this another will also. Just stop it by getting something to put in the food to make it taste badly and they stop quickly.  Just a bad habit and boredom, make sure it gets tons of exercise and love from you and your the Boss and Leadere so teach it right from wrong while growing up into a good adult.  Good Luck and if u need further help, let me know I am here.

Kind Regards