Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > question on new family pup..

question on new family pup..

19 17:44:46

hello...michelle from texas here..we got a puppy..about six weeks old today. It looks a whole lot like a german shepherd, but it is blonde all over including the muzzle, and has a defined black stripe from his neck to tail like a skunk...not like the regular shepherds have...any ideas? She is a rescue pup off the street. thanks in advance for any help that you can offer...have a most wonderful day~ michelle~

Hi Michelle,  If it is a rescue off the street, it could pretty much be a mix of anything as a female can have pups in the same litter with several different fathers.  You need to wait for it to grow up a bit more before trying to figure out what it might have in it.  At 6 weeks old, it is almost impossible to tell what breed(s) it has.  At about 4 months old, you can send me a pic at and I might be able to give you some better ideas as to what it has in it.
