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7 1/2 month old GSD

19 17:20:49

My GSD pup...I will be the first to admit that I made the mistake of heeding my vet's advice of keeping her in till she had all of her shots and probably missing out on some early socialization....that being said, she is very affectionate w/ her family (I have 2 young kids) and on leash will be very happy to greet people/dogs.  However, earlier this week I took her to a doggie daycare for a trial day before we left her there for a short vacation.  They called me about 5 minutes after I dropped her off asking me to come back and pick her up.  They said she was 'uncomfortable' and they had tried to introduce her to a dog and she had growled and acted fearful.  They also said she growled at one of the trainers, but they were very adamant that she was not aggressive, just fearful.  So now I am worried that I am not going to be able to leave her with anyone. How can I fix this?

Any advice would be appreciated!

There is no quick, easy fix.  Have you done obedience class with her?  This would do 2 things.  It would get her exposure to other dogs in a controlled setting.  They are there, but not free to approach her.  It also helps establish your place as leader.  She then needs to follow your lead around other dogs.  You need to control your emotions.  If you are tense approaching another dog, she will sense it and it will add to her fear.  Be happy, excited and welcoming to the other dog.  Go up to it and pet it, but don't force her to get near it or let it get closer to her than she is comfortable with.  

At obedience class, the trainer can see what is happening and help you work with her.