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German shephard back legs

19 17:37:05

We took our 3.5yo bitch out for a long walk yesterday where she was chasing rabbits and she seemed fine. When I woke this morning my dog seemed to be in some discomfort when trying to sit or stand from lying down. Also she seemes to be in a lot of pain when walking down the srairs. We have taken her to the vets and have been perscribed anti-inflammitries and pain killers. She is also crossed with a huskey. She is now drinking alot more and is probably due a season in the next month.
We have her booked in at the vet on the 9th Jan for a hip x-ray. Can you give any advice as I was not to impressed with the vets diagnosis.

He didn't do an xray when you took her in after the accident?
She could have a pulled tendon or strained muscle. She could also have a green stick fracture. Try warm compresses or even a heating pad on low for a few hours to see if that helps her any.Although moist heat is generally better. Make sure she has a soft place to sleep and keep her as quiet as you can. Sometimes an ace bandage wrapped around the tender area (feel gently with your fingers she should let you know where it hurts) will give some support to pulled muscles or tendons while they're healing and ease some of the pain. Make sure it isn't wrapped too tightly. Let me know what the xray shows. Poor girl. She's blessed to have you to look after her. If she appears to be getting worse, don't hesitate to give your vet a call back. Especially if he didn't xray her to begin with.