Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Potty


19 17:48:50

How to make a few weeks old puppy go potty in the back yard without spoiling the furniture? Thank you.

Hi Marcus,  You need to start potty training your puppy by putting the puppy on a schedule to go to the bathroom outside every couple of hours.  When you are not able to be home, then you need to crate train the puppy so the puppy learns to hold it and not go to the bathroom until you come back and take the puppy outside to go again. Crate training involves putting the puppy in a crate everytime you are gone and at night so that the puppy learns to control itself and not have the opportunity to go to the bathroom anywhere it pleases in the house.  A young puppy should be put outside every couple of hours to go to the bathroom.  You shouldn't allow it back in until it has gone.  That way you avoid any accidents or negative consequences.   The most important thing is to get the puppy on a schedule.   Hope this helps, and good luck.
