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skin on front paws wore off and bleed

19 17:38:13

I have a 6 month old GSD named Drago and he is great. He has a lot of energy and loves to take part in whatever I am doing when he is around. Well anyhow I regularly take him for walks to a park close by with no problem well today I decided to take a bike ride and he was going crazy to come along so I allowed him to tag along well everything was fine until I decided to have him chase me to the park while I was on my bike he ran after me with everything he had and I must admit at the time I was quite impressed. well once we got to the park he acted like normal came over to me gave me a couple of licks on my hand and looked around like normal when I noticed a little bit of blood on the ground I thought he got a nick from a glass or something but when I looked at his paws I noticed that some of his skin had worn off his two front paws, it didn't seem to bother him much at the time but now he is almost walking on his tip toes and I feel bad what can I do to help him.

I am not sure there is much you can do.  If you apply something like Triple
Antibiotic, he will just lick it off unless you put a lampshade collar on him.  If it starts looking infected, better see the vet.  

6 months is definitely too young for such strenuous exercise.  His joints need to develop under less stress.  Shepherds seldom are overweight, but benefit from an early switch to adult chow to slow growth.  By doing so, when they reach their final size, their joints are better prepared for the stress.