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GS Heat Cycle

19 17:39:04

Dear Sir, Madam: Could you please advise me as to how often does a female German Shepherd enter the heat cycle? Is it more than once a year?

Sincerely Thankful,

Most females including the Shepherds have 2 heat cycles a year.  They are a big hassle with many risks including getting loose and getting killed.  Almost any behavior can be expected. Mostly they
demand attention, show more interest is sniffing around anywhere a male
marked, and can become very determined and creative about getting loose to
find male companionship. Once loose, an accidental breeding isn't the worse thing that can happen.

The vulva will swell and soon start a bloody discharge. They become fertile in about a week later. You can't leave them outside by themselves. A 6 foot fence or a enclosed kennel may not be enough. If bred, in addition to unneeded puppies, they can be infected.