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Everyone says my girl is small.

19 17:40:08

I have a 4 month old GSD that weighed only 15# at our last vet visit(4-13-07). I was thinking that she was normal size until we began puppy class and there was another GSD in the class that is almost twice her size. So this brings me to my question, what is a guestimate on how much my GSD should weigh at this time in her life?

At 4 months, I think most Shepherds would be twice that size.  It sounds like she is going to be small for her breed.  That happens.  Saturday I ran into a 16 week old lab that was almost as big as my 8 month old one.  

As long as the vet doesn't seen any problems, the only thing I would do is switch to adult chow if feeding a puppy chow.  That will slow growth, but give her more time to develop sturdy joints.