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Vaccines - Shots - How Much Do They Cost

19 17:38:39

how much is it to get shots

Shots themselves are relatively inexpensive Approx. $20.00 per shot.  The cost varies depending on Vet Clinic and Country.  The best thing to do is to contact a vet near you and discuss the fees at the time you make your appointment.  I have found that city vets are more expensive than country vets.  So you might want to check with a couple vets if concerned about price.

Puppies usually get their first shot at 6-8 weeks old and deworming should be done at that time, also minimal, followed by a second shot one month later and a 3rd Shot one month after that.  Dogs usually get a rabies shot in addition to the booster vaccine when they get their 3rd booster shot. A Rabies Booster will be required one year after that. Your vet may do an office exam to check your dog's health which adds to the cost.

Other considerations are vaccine for kennel cough, lime disease, and flea and tick medications.  Getting your dog microchipped and spayed or neutered.

About Vaccines

About Heartworm and Intestinal Parisites

Vets also carry a solution to clean your dogs ears and I recommend that you consider getting some for your pet.

Glad to be of assistance.

Gallant German Shepherds