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German Shepherd puppy food

19 17:21:58

I have a 2 month old female GSD pup.Is pedigree a good dog food for a pup?What do you suggest a pup should be fed?I am from India so the brands available here are slightly limited.Also tell me about bathing a pup.How often and what do I use?

Pedigree is likely as good as any other brand.  In many cases, a puppy has problems when its food is changed. If that is what it is being fed, stick to it.  Any of the common brands of dog food should be better than any other diet.  Many puppy chows, even large breed ones, promote excessive growth.  It is a well established practice to switch to an adult food at 4 months.  Not all adult foods are suitable.  Make sure any you feed has less than 1.5% calcium.  

I seldom if ever bathe a dog.  Brushing it daily with a soft bristled brush should keep it fresh and clean and control odor.  Unspayed females may need a bath after going through their season or delivery, but the bath should be delayed until all the swelling is down.  Baths should always finish with a good rinse to remove all the soap or shampoo.