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GS puppy, socialization

19 17:21:18

My puppy is 9 weeks old. I had her all set to enter a puppy socialization and basic training program with an experienced trainer starting TOMORROW, only to find out she has ringworm, and can't be around other dogs for maybe a month or two? But this is THE critical time for her to learn to socialize properly. I am very, very worried that she is going to have a hard time coming back into the world of getting along with other dogs. What in the world am I supposed to do during this time??? Just let her slip further and further away? Do I have to isolate her from other dogs completely? Will there be hope for her after a couple of months of this?? I have been waiting and preparing to bring her home, and to provide her with a strong, consistent social beginning so that she can go for walks with me around other dogs and even go to daycare a couple times a week so that she isn't always home alone when I go to work. Please give me the best advice you can. thank you.  

At 9 weeks, people socialization is much more important than dog socialization.  As long as she was with her mother and litter until at least 6 weeks, she should already know much of what she needs to know about the world of dogs.  Before long she will be much less accepting of new things.  So get her out anywhere and everywhere you can around men, women, kids, noise, traffic, etc.  However, anybody petting her needs to wash their hands good afterwards.  People can get ringworm too.  Wash your hands good before eating.  

You really do need to keep her away from other dogs.  This will both protect them from her and protect her from disease.  When it comes to parvo and some other things, shots may or may not do much good.