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Breeding my German Shepard

19 17:53:34

My female German Shepard is 3 years old.  She went into heat in Nov. of 2003.  At this time she was bred with another German Shepard.  The first time the dogs were put together they did not mate.  I consulted the vet and was told that Jada was not ready yet, and to wait about 5 days.  After this time, the dogs were put back together.  At this time, they mated three times the same day; however, my female did not become pregnant.  Can you give me some advice?  Thank you

Hi Linda

Sure, you breed only from day one of first u see a drip of blood, count to day 14 and start to take her to the stud.  You only breed once, skip and go to day 16, u get better larger litters this way.  My secret for my stud anyhow.

U never breed more than one time on a tie, it might of ruined the stud breeding three times in one day.  It was most likely the wrong conception day at that.

Breeding is very risky, hope the hips were done and rated A normal or A fast normal because of HD running in the genes of Shepherds.  Also, that the stud is much better than the female.

Remember that a females cycle is twenty one days,the first week they sweel, second they drip, third is going out that is when they breed, so u must learn to watch for that first day of drip to start to count.  When the bitch is going out the drip turns from bright red to almost white, then breed, the stud should be ready if he is a seasoned stud he will know the exact day, I have often only bred one time and got a itter of nine.

Kind Regards
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