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German Shepherds

19 17:22:13

How often will German Shepherds develop health problems? I'm thinking of getting a GSD puppy this summer and I was wondering how often that happens? Could it happen at any age?

Much of the health of a dog depends on its breeding.  Despite years and years of breeding ''to improve the breed'' many show dogs still have significant health problems.  Puppy mill, backyard breeders, and pet store puppies may be even worse.  Even the dog guide schools can't breed health problems out completely.  Our daughter has a 5 year old Shepherd that recently could no longer work as a dog guide due to allergies.  

It is quite difficult to find breeders that make health a top priority.  Ask lots of questions including what they feed.  Perhaps ask to see other health records besides hip scores, CERF, EIC testing, etc.