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shedding and itching

19 17:40:19

This March, my 9 mo old GSD started shedding so much and itching 24/7 I feel so bad. She itches so much that she has chewed a big area of skin off her tail. I have put in 1 tsp olive oil to help and treated the area with hydrogen peroxide. Besides brushing daily, what else can I do to help her with her itching? She is also constantly licking her private part also. She is on flea treatment so it can't be that.  

What is she eating?  She should be eating a dry, adult chow now and very little else.  Most commercial dog chows contain everything a dog should need to keep its skin and coat in good shape.  Bathe her as little as possible and keep up the brushing.  If that still leaves the problem, likely it is something the vet needs to see.

If she is spayed, disregard this paragraph.  I am appalled at the questions I see here from people that have not spayed their females.  There is no good reason for those coming here for help not to.  Please don't consider breeding her.  It is highly unlikely you have done the research to purchase a dog that may be worth breeding.  If she is licking her vulva, she may be coming into season.  Likely it is too late to have her spayed now until it is over.  The mess, the hassle, the risks of accidental breeding - both an unwanted litter and injury or infection.  Are you aware we slaughter 10,000,000 dogs a year for lack of homes?  Many of them lead a short, miserable life before being killed in not always humane ways.  The puppy mills are the biggest problem, and backyard breeders next, but if regular pet owners would go ahead and spay/neuter their pets, it would be a big help.