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Help please with german sherpherds!

19 17:36:44

QUESTION: I currently have two 18 weeks old female german shepherds. However, I'm in the process of returning one and getting an 10 months old male that is currently in obedience training for the next 8 weeks.He is in training to serve as a family proctection dog.
Basically, I will have one of the current puppies in the house until the 10 months old joins her in about two months.
I would like to know if this is a good idea to have both dogs or will it create some problems such as aggressiveness towards each other or any kind of issues. Will it be ok to raise them together?

Thanks for any advise!

ANSWER: http://As long they are spay/neutered, you are taking 2 steps forward.  A male and female are less likely to compete for dominance than 2 females or even 2 males.  2 of one gender can get ugly.  2 puppies of the same age that grow up together can become too closely bonded to each other and ignore people.  You will come very close to the recommended minimum 6 months apart.  When he comes available, you might do the meet on neutral ground bit to introduce them.  I don't know that it helps, but can't see how it can hurt.  Usually 2 young dogs are thrilled to have a playmate and tear into each other at once.  This is a picture of my Shepherd enjoying having a younger lab visit,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your answer.The other option I'm considering is to give one of the puppies to the breeder and ask him to keep her for me.I understand that it would be better to have them in two different crates however they become very vocal when they are separated.I actually separated them for several hours by putting them in two different crates in different rooms but they were howling and barking the whole time.Then I decided to put them back together in the same crate.So my question is.I would like to know if it is a good idea to separate them by giving one to the breeder.If so, at what point should I get her back from the breeder to join the other puppy at home.

Thanks for any advise.

I am not sure what you are wanting to do by separating them.  They are already highly bonded to each other and even a long period of separation won't change that.  I do think they need to be in separate crates at night, or sections of a divided one.  Keeping them next to each other may reduce the howling.