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10 week old puppy

19 17:21:46

My 10 week old female German Shepherd puppy brought in a dead possum this morning.  I think she must have killed it.  She was fooling around in the trees in the yard at 4am when she was let out and then around 8am when she went out again, she brought it into our living room.  It didn't look like she really chewed on it, but I am concerned that this is normal for such a young puppy??? We have another female German Shepherd (9yrs old) and she has caught bunnies and birds, but never at this young age.  Thanks-

I doubt a 10 week old could kill a possum.  Likely it died some other way, its killer perhaps fearing people accompanying her and fled.  I would dispose of it and not worry.  I am sure given a chance, she would instinctively chase anything and attack it if she got a chance.