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GSD Puppies

19 17:21:47

I have 4 GSD puppies who are 6mnts old, 3 male and 1 female, my Q. is how do I learn to control the boys from biting each other I also have a 4.5yr old female their mother who also seems to be a target for the biting mostly from the little female?, and I am a little worried as 2 of them the ears have not stood up properly yet and the other 2 have. should I consider binding their ears?

The biting is great fun.  It is tough enough teaching them not to bite people, let alone each other.  

As for the ears, I have seen very little on that from sources I trust.  The monks of New Skete don't even mention standing up in their The Art of Raising a Puppy.  I do know that some puppies ears eventually stand up on their own.  It is quite possible some of the ones that stand up after binding would have stood up without it too.  I can't imagine binding would hurt, but suspect it is useless.