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GSD Weight

19 17:22:14

Hey there, I have an 8 mo old male, nuetered GSD. He is currently 93 lbs and from what I've been reading thats quite heavier than the average GSD. His uncle and father are 100 lb dogs, his mother average.. He was eating 7 cups of dry/wet mix with 1tblsp of cottage cheese (required by breeder to maintain 2 yr warranty) but now has tapered down to 5 cups a day. He gets exercised almost every day (it's winter time..difficult when it's 20 below) His body appears fairly lean, and I can feel his ribs. I just want to make sure that he is not some giant freak of nature, or if I should cut him way back on his food...basically, is he normal?

The question is less is he normal than is he where he should be?  At 8 months, his growth should be tapering off. He may end up close to his father's size.  His body condition sounds good.  Compare him to  Some Shepherds will only eat enough to keep themselves on the thin side of good body condition. I would continue what you are doing.  I disagree with the cottage cheese and mixing in the wet food, but best go along with it.  The dog guide school we raise puppies for would have him on adult dry food and nothing else.  They have far more resources to determine feeding practices than any breeder.  

Check the ends of the leg bones.  If they are still much knobbier than an adult's, the growth plates are still open and it is still growing.  If not, do not expect much more growth.

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