Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > teach to walk a strong 2yr male german sheperd

teach to walk a strong 2yr male german sheperd

19 17:44:55

Ben is a very strong 2yr old male german sheperd, and is
to walk and control, especially  if he sees a rabbit or sometimes
another dog. As a puppy I started him with the training collar
leash. About 8-9 months he became too strong and I chose the
tri-tronics e-collar and remote controller and Ben has done very
well with it. I usally use the toner, if necessary,at power #3, the
Ben is a sniffer, so our walking is not the a"walk" it is a stop and
go.  He turned 2 this july 4th, and I thought to train our walk. I
bought a good heavy leather harness with padding and an 8"
leash to hold. I am 54yr. and a 120lb female. Ben is my 2nd
sheperd and much stronger than my 1st male. Ben is a male
I have started the harness only about 2-3wks ago. He's
accepting  it but he, with his strength, it is not easy for me.
Is just going to take time?, how can I learn how to contol
him when he sees another dog, rabbit..... It was easy with the
e-collar/remote control.
I just want some info in how to about using the harness or is
another way for walking with Ben?

Hi Cathie,  You shouldn't use a harness to walk him as harnesses are made for them to pull against.  That is what they are designed for, so basically you are giving him more opportunity to pull you.  You need to get him a Halti Brand Head Head halter Size 2 should fit him fine.  They prevent a dog of any size being able to pull you as they control the head which controls the body.  Unlike remote collars that dominate the dog to get them to do what you want, the head halter guides the dog into doing what you want and is a more humane way to train them.  Hope this helps,
