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7 month old shepherd

19 17:26:23

I have a 7 month old shepherd who is 26" and weighs 65 lbs. He has not gained any weight since he was 5 months old, and by now he is starting to look extremely thin. He has large bone structure, but I can easily feel his ribs when just lightly stroking him and I am starting to see the outline of his ribs even though he is a plush coat. We feed him about 8-9 cups of eagle pack every day plus puppy multivitamins. Today, I will go to the vet to have him tested for worms and giardia.

I have a few problems with him and am wondering if they could be attributed to his obvious inability to absorb his food.

He poops in his kennel at night and then eats it. He has not had an accident anywhere else in the house in months. He poops when he wakes up, after all 3 meals, and then again before bed. He is not left in there for extended periods of time and his last meal is at least 5 hours before bed. Sometimes he is only in there for 2 hours before he poops. I don't know where he learned that it is ok to soil his kennel as long as he eats it (while getting it on himself). His breeder was reputable, and had clean kennels. I have started waking up at 4AM to take him out and this has helped some. I am wondering, are we feeding him too much? If he has worms or something, and we cure it, will it help this problem?

Also, the bases of his ears stand, but not the rest. When we tape them up for a few days, once they come down, his ears will stand for a couple days and then go back down. I assume that this is because once he finished teething, he started having this medical problem and has not been able to absorb the calcium needed to keep his ears up. I am wondering, if we are persistent with taping and fix his medical problem, could this be reversible at his age? His ears want to stand. They do try, but they just can't for very long. His ears were both up off and on before teething.

Our dog does very well in obedience and could probably have his CGC right now if he looked healthy enough. He is a great dog, but we would really like to solve these problems.


I am hoping the vet finds worms or other parasites and can cure them.  I would almost say if your vet checks him and rechecks him and finds nothing, it is time to check with another vet.  

It could be some other type of medical condition.  I am not going to try to solve any of the other problems.  I feel everything relates to a physical problem and once it is straightened out, everything else will too.  If not, get back to me.   

Eagle pack is well thought of by many that scorn common brands.  I feel most dogs will thrive on most foods, but there isn't any one chow right for all dogs.  After all else fails, you might try ad different type of food.  Not just another brand of whatever is in the Eagle Pack.  I have a sneaking suspicion some people bad mouth everything except what they sell.