Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > New Years Eve

New Years Eve

19 17:37:29

Hello. My neighborhood is extremely noisy on New Year's Eve. My 10 year old German shepherd is very afraid of loud sounds. Do you know of a quiet place we can take her to avoid all the stress she goes through?

Thank you,

Get some all natural calm ease from your pet store. You might also try putting her in a room with a fan on high. The white noise tends to drown out a lot of outside and background noises. Do it every day at about the same day starting now so she gets used to it. Whatever you do DO NOT baby her when she is afraid, you are saying it's ok, and she's hearing YES good dog you should be afraid. You can also talk to the vet about getting her a mild tranquilizer to get her though the night. Meanwhile try some desensitization. Socialize her more. Leave a radio on for her or tv on for her while you're gone so she's not used to abosolute quiet. As for a a quiet place to take her, does that really exist anymore? Even boarding her at the vet's would be noisy just a different kind of noise.
good luck and happy holidays