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German Shepherd Walking

19 17:37:52

We purchased a German Shepherd about a week ago. He is 9 weeks old. When we take him for a walk he doesn't want to venture forward. He seems to be afraid of his own shadow. We have been persistent in making him move forward, but he jerks and pulls, flips, etc. He is a happy puppy other than this and we have him scheduled for obedience class starting Nov 7th. He is with us all day at our office. We want to know if we should be worried about this behavior and what to do to work to try to prevent it.

Thank you very much.

If he doesn't want to move, don't force him.  Try dropping back and running past him calling ''Go, go, go!'' in an excited voice.  

make sure he is around strangers, little kids, traffic, and anything else he is likely to encounter later in life.  Just avoid all but the best cared for dogs.  One sniff of where a diseased dog eliminated in the last 6 months is enough to catch a life threatening disease.