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How to stop my dog from barking and scaring children

19 17:26:40

I have a 4 year old spay female german shepherd.  She has been raised in a household with two adults and a dominate male neutered german shepherd.  She has not be socialized to people especially children or other dogs. I have moved in with a girlfriend who has an 11 year old boy and she barks at him every time he walks into the house or moves quickly and makes any noise. She is intimidating him all the time and even though I tell her to stop she continues to bark at him. How can I stop her from barking everytime she sees him and get her to accept him?


Concerned Owner

Have him avoid making eye contact or petting the top of her head.  He shouldn't let his teeth show in a smile.  Have him give her treats and perhaps take over feeding her.  

You need to demonstrate that you accept him.  Spend time doing things together.