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19 17:44:14

I have nine pupies that are two weeks old.  Mom is black and tan purbreed Australinian that had papers but we never obtained them, don't know owners or place of residence. Dad is purbreed Belgium black and tan, had papers but never obtained them. Both of his parents were show dogs. Don't know owners or place of residence. Now I want to get papers for both parents and for pups how do I do this? I would like to sell the pups with the option of papers because last time people asked about papers.  

Hi Shelley,  Unfortunately if you don't know the owners of the parents of your dogs, you won't be able to get papers as the owners have to sign off on the papers.  Also, you can't get back dated papers for the puppies either.  Wish I could be of more help, but AKC is really strict about paper situations.
