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My puppies Ears

19 17:21:10

I have a six month old, male german shepherd who has not been neuterd. Usually his ear are standing straight up and they have not been floopy since he was about 3 months old. Today when I woke up his ear were floopy and they will not stand up. I am wondering if he has an ear infection or if this is common...

Most Shepherds have their ears up by the time thay are a few months old and they stay up.  Some of them don't have their ears up until much later and a very few never.  Also, some go through stages of the ears being down again.  I think it could even be partly behavioral.  None of the sources I consider to be reliable have much to say about it.

I would smell them.  Often ear infections stink.  If they don't have much odor and he isn't showing other signs of distress, I wouldn't worry about them.  I think they will come back up and if they don't, I don't think there is much that you can do.