Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > SLIMY BLOOD IN STOOL


19 17:44:11

My puppy is 13 weeks old and is half german shepherd and half black lab.Its activities and eating and drinking habits are normal,but i have noticed some bright red slimy blood in his stool.It occurs only sometimes and other times his stool is normal.this problem has been goin on for a few days maybe once a day or less. he was at my parents house for about 4 weeks and my mom said he was fine the whole time. it jus started when the brought him back . what should i do? please help.

Hi Nicholas, I would have a stool sample taken into the vet to make sure he doesn't have any worms.  Sometimes blood in the stool can signal worms.  It can also be a sign of him getting into something, but that would normally be a one time occurance.  Hope this helps,
