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my lazy germanshephard

19 17:44:09

I have eight months germanshephard,he is very smart and good looking but a lazy dog .i want him to be a good watch dog (for home protection) But he dont bark on any one.Kiny tell me a solution.Thanks

Perhaps he didn't read the part about Shepherds' instinctive distrust of strangers.  If he lacks energy, he may have a health problem.  The first step is to have a good vet examination.  What are you feeding him?  He needs a complete and balanced diet.  The best way to make sure he is, is to feed him almost any commercial chow and little else.  At 8 months, it may be best to change him over to an adult chow.  That will slow his growth and give more time to develop sturdy joints.

Dogs read your emotions.  If he sees you reacting negatively to strangers, he may too.  He may be quicker to bark as he gets older.  A dog's personality isn't mature until 3 years old.  As they age, they take on more and more responsibility for protecting themselves and others they live with.