Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > male german shepard weight

male german shepard weight

19 17:36:51

QUESTION: Hi, I have 4 1/2 old a male german shepard.
I got the dog from a rescue. He was 15 lbs when i got him he was 12 weeks old i could see his bones.
Know that he is 4 1/2" month old know he is 40 lbs.
How big should the dog weigh when fully grown?

ANSWER: I think that small for his age.  It is possible he may only be 60-70 pounds full grown.  

What you should do now is switch him to adult chow.  That will slow his growth.  He will turn out just a big, but it will give his joints more time to develop.  Puppy chow is actually too rich for large breed puppies.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, The vet said that the dog should be 80 to 90 LBS.
Also i asked a dog trainer and, i gave him the question that i have mentioned. He said about 100 LBS.
WHO I RIGHT? He said that if the dog is 35 lbs.He should be a large dog. But the dog is already 40 lbs.
The dog is gaining about 6 lbs a week. He is feeling out he has long hind legs.
Pleaae let me know.
Thank you! Eddie

Dogs vary in how fast they grow.  I may be more thinking size than weight.  For dogs the same height, a Shepherd won't weigh near as much as a Lab.  I still think Shepherds shoot up rapidly, and your mix will be smaller than most shepherds.  Who is right?  It is guess work.  No 2 people report the same results.