Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Demodex


19 17:50:18

curious if demodex (mange) can be cured if a pup german shepard gets it within 2 years of age?

Hi, demodectic mange can always be cured, if treated right.  It is just a mange caused by the demodectic mites being irritated on the skin.  Stress can cause this to happen, and since German Shepherds are a breed that can be stressed easily, it is not uncommon for them to get it.

Here is a site that has a little information on it.  it is not indepth info, but does give you a generalized idea of what is going on.  it doesn't mention the stress factor, but I was personally educated by my best friend (who's a vet) years ago when one of my shepherds had it.

Hope this helps,
