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19 17:51:05

I want to buy a puppy for xams to surprise the family.
How do I go about this and do it properly and get a healthy puppy?
How do I know I get a good warranty, how do I train it and feeding is a problem now hearing on t.v many dog foods are bad.

Hi, you should take more time when considering a puppy for the family than just this quick.  You need to do a lot of research if you are planning on buying a purebred, including checking out several professional breeders, researching the good & bad about the breed online and also checking into the health problems for that particular breed.  Once you do all the research and decide on a puppy, then you would want to look into different trainers, their methods, and check out references they have.  That would go for breeders too.  A dog is a good 10-14 year commitment, so before you put your hard earned money into it, you would want to check it all out (like you would a car) before you actually go out and purchase one.  A lot of shelters, rescues etc. won't even adopt out dogs to people who want them for gifts because they are too afraid that the person purchasing them hasn't checked out all the facts before getting the dog.  Some breeders are like that too.  If you really want to get one as a gift for the family, make it a family thing to check out litters etc to pick out the perfect puppy for the family.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
