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Should I get this GS with stipulations

19 17:36:50

Hi, I have been looking for a shelter or rescued GSD for a while now. A friend of mine just called me up and said he can't keep  his 9 month old GS anymore because he got divorced and moved into an apartment. He asked if I wanted the dog and I excitedly said yes. There is however 1 stipulation. He asked me not to get the dog fixed for 6 months to a year. His reason is he is buying a house in a few months and wants to get a female GS and breed the dogs.

My question for you is what effect will this have on my new buddy? Is it ok for me to wait that long to get him fixed? This will be my only dog. Thanks!

It shouldn't hurt the dog to wait.  It does leave you open to behavior problems.  

Like many that know and love dogs, I have a strong anti breeding bias.  I would add some stipulations of your own.  You may neuter it immediately if it proves unsuitable for breeding by developing such behavior problems as marking in the house, aggression, etc.  He must also pay for hip X-Rays and not breed it if not OFA good or better.  

About the female.  Most advise against breeding them before they are 2 years old.  Not all females turn out to be suitable for breeding.  We have an endless supply of well behaved, sturdy dogs.  I see no reason to breed anything less.  

For more on breeding see