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GSD Chewing

19 17:37:42

Three months ago I found a two year old female, brought her home and have decided to keep her.  I have a seven year old beagle and they get along fine.  The problem is the German Shepherd has destroyed seven pairs of shoes and just this morning a pillow.  I walk her every day sometimes off the leash so she can run and I know she gets bored and I have given her a specific shoe to chew, so what can I do to alleviate her boredom while I am at work?  

Two of my shepherds are chewers. So I can relate to this definitely. She needs a job. She's bored. So you are on the right track. If you get her involved in something. Like obedience or fly ball so that she has an outlet for her energy and something to occupy her mind that'll help. She needs to be walked twice a day and needs to do some serious running several times a week, until her tongue hangs out :). Being a working dog if these dogs don't get to work they can develop all kinds of habits.  Have her carry a pack when you walk. Also, get her some toys that you can stuff with treats, so that her mind is occupied as are her paws and teeth while you're gone. Don't give them to her except when you're gone. Dogs love leather, so if you can contain her away from your shoes that'll help. Try to keep as much out of her way while you're working on this as you can. If you get her into obedience training you'll have a blast. These are highly intelligent responsive dogs who thrive on learning.