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any test to verify pedigree ?

19 17:47:24

I'm in the process of securing GSD from a rescue shelter. The director tell me its pure breed. Any way to confirm w/.o the paperwork on the dog-like blood tests, physical characteristics, head/heigt ratio etc ?any precautionary notes..she is about two years old...

Hi Vishnada,  There is no test to verify that a dog is a breed of dog that you think it is unless you have DNA testing from the parents to compare.  Most rescues go by looks and are pretty strict about the dog looking 90& the breed the rescue unless they are an all-breed rescue in which case, just depends on the persons experience with dogs that adopted the dog to you.  You are quite welcome to send me a pic at my e-mail and I can give you my opinion.  2 years old, she is a full adult, not yet set in her ways, which is good, but unl;ess you know her history (where she came from, what she's been trhough), it will basically be a trial and error thing.  Remember that it takes approx. 4 weeks for an adult dog to acclamate to a new home, so give her time to adjust.  Hope this helps,
