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2 yr. Old Female German Shephard Underweight

19 17:32:47

QUESTION: I own 2 female and 2 male German Shepherds.  They are all indoor dogs.  I have the parents,Beauty and Beast, one female puppy from 1st litter, Princess, who is almost 2 yrs. old, and one puppy from last litter, Demon, which will be 1 yr. old in September.  My 2 yr. old is very underweight.  All 3 other dogs are very healthy looking dogs.  Princess does not have worms that we have already checked.  My husband thinks this is because the males eat first and when the females eat, Beauty is very dominating over Princess so Princess doesn't eat as much.  I am very concerned about her and would like to know what I can do or what I can feed her to fatten her up.  The other 3 dogs are more affectionate that Princess is.  Is this a psychological issue.  Beast is Master, Beauty is Queen of the house and will put Princess in check constantly.  Demon is the baby and has been extremely spoiled.  Princess is hardest to hug and hold on to and I don't believe I have ever gotten a kiss from her.  The other dogs are very affectionate in giving kisses and wanting to be petted and get hugs and even lay down to cuddle.  I would appreciate any help you can give me since Princess has always been my baby if you know what I mean, we all have our favorite.  Thank you in advance.

ANSWER: What does the vet say?  Many young Shepherds keep themselves lean, even the ribs showing a little.  If the vet isn't concerned about her, I would let well enough alone.

You are feeding a concentrated, meat based chow?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That's just it I can't afford to take her in.  If I absolutely had to I can manage to take her.  She is fine just really skinny.  She has lots of energy very playful.

Yes we are feeding her meat based chow.

I was hoping you could tell me what to give her, like a special diet so she can gain weight.

While I have read about all sorts of concoctions people feed dogs to make them gain weight, they are not a good idea.  If the dog has a health problem, they won't help.  Otherwise in nearly all cases, the dog is healthier eating what it will of a meat based chow, even if its ribs show a little.  

Perhaps you need to rethink having 4 dogs if you can't afford vet care for them.